the best way to store and share your recipes

Your Personal Recipe Box

Recipes from anywhere is built for adventurous cooks. It's designed to keep track of your recipes, whether they're from favorite food-stained cookbooks, popular recipe websites, unsung blogs, on- or off-line magazines or their own kitchen creations.

Adding recipes is a snap

Import recipes from anywhere on the web – different recipe websites, blogs, magazine websites and more - by emailing a link to or pasting the URL into R.ecipe.s saves the ingredients, the instructions, photos and a link to the original website. Save favorites from cook books in r.ecipe.s by typing the book title and page number into r.ecipe.s. If someone has already entered the recipe, r.ecipe.s will copy it right into your recipe box.

Sharing recipes is even easier

One of the best parts of cooking is sharing. And it's easy to share recipes from your recipe box. You can e-mail a recipe with just two clicks. Want to share your entire recipe collection? That's easy too - you can share your entire recipe-box with friends and family.

Find those forgotten favorites

Remember that pasta salad you made last Spring with peas? What winter-time vegetable dishes are your favorites? Need an easy side-dish for a pot-luck? Your recipe box has a full-featured search engine that can answer these questions and millions more.

Meal planning made easy

With a few clicks, add the ingredients you need to your online shopping list. learns about your kitchen staples, so salt, pepper, water, or olive oil won’t be added…unless you really need them!

If you use Google Calendar, simply click "Schedule meal" to add an appointment in your calendar with the recipe name, and a link to the recipe details.

Grocery List Partners

Calendar Partners

Don't see your app? Let us know!

Need inspiration?

r.ecipe.s can send you a weekly menu planning email with menu ideas from your recipe box, including your favorite dishes (based on your ratings), recipes you have saved but have not yet rated, and recipes for in-season dishes.

Any Device, Any Platform, Any Time is not a traditional smartphone app. There's nothing to download or install, no permissions to grant. lives in your browser and uses the latest HTML5 features to provide a great user experience. That means that works on any screen size, from an iPhone 5 to through a high-end desktop. isn't limited to a particular type of device or operating system -- it runs in any modern web browser on Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows or Linux. And works whether you're connected to the Internet or not. Your recipes are stored on your device and in the cloud, so you'll never be without your


Development and maintenance of is a labor of love. What started as a side project to solve a personal need and learn a few things has grown much larger. If you find useful, please let me know. is committed to protecting your privacy. for more information, please read our privacy policy.

For any other questions for comments, please write to me.